Excellent accommodation near the Conference-Centre in Munich
Meldung von: Thomas Noll - 24.04.2012 12:00 Uhr
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| The AppartementPension "Zum Zacherl" offers ideal accommodation for conference participants and organizers
The Congress Centre of Munich, situated in the district of Riem, together with the adjacent Trade-fair Centre is one of the world-leading institutions of its kind. More than 30,000 international exhibitors and around 2 million visitors come together every year for conferences, events and trade-fairs.
Needless to say, it is useful for both event organizers and visitors when good quality accommodation is very close by. The AppartementPension "Zum Zacherl" in Feldkirchen fulfils exactly these requirements. The journey from the conference-centre to the "Zum Zacherl" is only a five minute ride.
The "Zum Zacherl" offers cosy apartments along with temporary office space for its guests. The family-run business specialises in hosting conference and trade-fair visitors. The "Zum Zacherl" understands that information and communication technologies are a vital part of its guests business and private life. Accordingly the "Zum Zacherl" caters for these needs.
All guests have access to a first-class internet service, with LAN and WLAN for free, and the internal printer network. Any additional technical equipment can be provided. The "Zum Zacherl" lends digital cameras, laptops and mobile phones.
As a guest of the house you can enjoy high-class service and modern apartments which all include:
- TV-flat screens, DVD-player and stereo unit
- Docking station for iPods and iPhones
- Air conditioning
- A complimentary selection of drinks
- An integrated ironing station
- Integrated safe with lap top charger inside
Also included in our wide range of services is an individually made breakfast served to the room.
The "Zum Zacherl" has still more to offer to its guests. The family-run business offers car-rental, taxi and shuttle-service meaning guests can stay mobile whether they arrive by plane or train. Guests can very easily rent a car or request a ride from our shuttle-service to reach their appointment in time. The fleet consists of various cars with different sizes and a VIP-bus, which contains a mobile internet station and can be used as a "rolling mini-office".
All information, including prices can be found on the following website http://www.zum-zacherl.de. It is also very worth looking at the positive feedback about the "Zum Zacherl" which guests have written. It truly shows how much the excellent service of the family-run apartment house is appreciated.