HOK activated carbon based on lignite is an adsorption and catalyst material much in demand for sewage and waste-gas cleaning
Cologne. - Lignite from the Rhenish mining area is not only an indispensable fuel that contributes just under one quarter to Germany's power generation. HOK activated carbon, exclusively made on the basis of Rhenish lignite, also serves to reduce emissions worldwide and, in doing so, also boosts environmental protection.
Its special properties in the separation of pollutants have made HOK activated lignite a much sought-after adsorption and catalyst material. Made by RWE Power AG on the basis of the natural product "lignite", HOK is marketed worldwide by Rheinbraun Brennstoff GmbH (RBB) as a highly effective adsorbent.
Besides scrubbing waste gas in refuse incineration, one important use is the lowering of emissions in the iron and steel industry. One process usual there is the melting of iron and steel scrap processed in electric arc furnaces. In the thermal treatment of scrap contaminated with paints, oils and other organic substances, dioxins and furans emerge which need special reduction measures. Here, one of the simplest and at the same time least-cost scrubbing methods has turned out to be HOK-based adsorptive waste-gas cleaning in an entrained dust cloud.
HOK activated lignite for environmental protection worldwide
In the US, too, Rhenish activated lignite is making a contribution toward lowering airborne pollution. In addition to sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide, mercury constitutes a special challenge for US power plants. In this sensitive area, too, "Activated Lignite HOK" has really proved its worth as effective adsorbent.
Biological sewage-treatment plants are another important field of application. These plants work on a kind of "manger" or feeding-trough principle with the activated lignite supplying nutrients and oxygen to the micro-organisms that are needed to combat the pollutants.
The separation products contained in the water and on which the micro-organisms feed occur in increased concentrations on the porous lignite particles. This prompts more micro-organisms to settle, thus accelerating the filtering process.
Interested trade visitors are cordially invited to meet representatives of Rheinbraun Brennstoff GmbH at this year's IFAT ENTSORGA, held from 7 to 11 May 2012, fair stand 514, hall A3, to find out about the latest product solutions and application examples in filter and environmental technologies based on activated lignite.
Please find further information on the internet at www.hok.de and www.ifat.de.